Tarifa Whale Watching Tours

About Tarifa Whale Watching Tours

The Strait of Gibraltar, which connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and divides the continents of Europe and Africa, lies close to Tarifa. There are seven different species of cetaceans in this region which you can watch during your Tarifa Whale Watching Tours, with your friends and family. In the Strait, bottlenose and common dolphins, striped dolphins, and long-finned pilot whales all spend the entire year. Orcas, fin whales, and sperm whales can also be seen during specific periods of the year. Kite Surfers go to Tarifa, but less people are aware that this sunny town is also an excellent place to watch a variety of whale and dolphin species. You could even get to see orcas on Whale watching tarifa tours. Bluefin tuna is the main food source for the orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar. This type of fish migrates through the congested Strait of Gibraltar in the spring and summer, attracting orcas in the process. In the spring, orcas can be seen off the region's west coast. They can be seen in the region near Tarifa during the summer. The highest chances of seeing orcas while on a whale watching tour are in the months of July and August.

Types of Whale in Tarifa


One of the most famous marine creatures in the world is the orca, popularly known as the killer whale. They are a semi-resident species in the Spanish region, and April through September are the ideal months to watch these during your Tarifa Whale Watching Tours. These whales cooperate when hunting and have a high level of intelligence.

Key Features- They are up to 10 meters in length, with a body that is primarily black and a white underbelly also sword-like dorsal fin that is tall.- Fish, squid, seals, seabirds, and tuna make up the diet.

Pilot Whale

The friendly pilot whales are year-round residents of the Strait of Gibraltar and can be easily seen on Tarifa Whale Watching Tours. It normally grows up to 7 meters in length, making it a medium-sized toothed whale. These whales are among the most frequently observed whales in Tarifa because they rest on the ocean's surface when the tide is going out. Since they do not migrate, they are always present all year long.

Key Features- They appear dark brown or gray-brown in color.- They have a dorsal fin, sickle-shaped flat and extended flippers.

Sperm Whale

Another semi-resident species, sperm whales go through Tarifa's seas from April to September as they follow their migratory routes. These whales have the longest teeth and are skilled divers, reaching depths of 3,000 meters. Sperm whales are seldom seen in groups and are frequently seen from a distance on Tarifa Whale Watching Tours.

Key Features - Color ranges from dark gray to light brown.- Blast hole on the left side of a large skull. - Dorsal fins are replaced by a low hump.

Fin Whale

During their summer migration, baleen whales known as fin whales can be seen on Tarifa Whale Watching Tours. This animal, which can grow up to 22 meters in length, is the second-largest in the world after the blue whale. It is a luxury and a really special opportunity to see a fin whale.

Key Features- White underbelly with a dark gray back. - The Dorsal fin at the posterior part of the body is small and falcate. - Diet comprises fish, squid, and krill.

Best Time for Whale & Orca Watching From Tarifa

The best whale watching tour Tarifa can be done during April through October. The peak season runs from mid-June to the beginning of September, and during this time the majority of tour companies guarantee a good probability of spotting whales. Although whale sightings are more common in the summer, they are present in the Tarifa region all year. Orcas and sperm whales are only two of the different species of whales that travel through the Strait of Gibraltar. In July and near the end of the whale-watching season, orcas are frequently spotted. During the Tarifa whale viewing season, which runs from May to June, sperm whales are frequently seen. The majority of experts advise scheduling a boat cruise at least twice, at various times during the day. Your chances of sighting whales and dolphins will increase as a result of having a wider range. Other whale watching cruises usually last two hours, but orca expeditions normally last three hours and take you farther out to sea.


What whales do you see at Tarifa?

Fin whale, Oscar, Sperm whale, and Pilot whales can be seen at Tarifa while whale watching.

What is the best season for whale-watching in Tarifa?

The best months for whale watching Tarifa tours are April through October. The peak season runs from mid-June to the beginning of September, and during this time the majority of tour companies guarantee a good probability of spotting whales.

What is the best way to book a Tarifa Whale Watching Tour?

The best way to book a Tarifa whale watching tour is online with your trusted travel partner to avoid any disappointment.

What time of day is best for whale watching in Tarifa?

The best time of the day for whale watching in Tarifa is during the early days when the whale’s are all energetic and playful.

What should I wear for whale watching in Tarifa?

You should wear a waterproof jacket or raincoat to protect yourself from the splashes of water while the whales dive in and out.

Is whale watching in tarifa worth it ?

At Tarifa, whale watching can be an exhilarating excursion on the ocean that leaves you with unforgettable memories and surprisingly good pictures.


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