Big Sur, California Whale Watching Tours

About Big Sur, California Whale Watching Tours

One of the most incredible spots in the world for wildlife viewing, especially whale watching, is Highway 1 near Big Sur. You may see whales, elephant seals, dolphins, sea otters, and more along the California Central Coast, which is only one hour south of our San Francisco rental location by taking the Big Sur Whale Watching Tours. Large pods of California grey whales move along the California coastline twice a year, making the winter months in Big Sur absolutely stunning. Ranger-led whale watching and California condor spotting tours are proudly offered by California State Parks. Meet at the Highway 1 view point at milepost 37, which is close to Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park. Warm days in the summertime bring the world's biggest creature, the blue whale, to Big Sur. Almost everywhere along Big Sur's coastline will give you a good view of these gentle giants playing and feeding. With the Big Sur Whale Watching Tours, you can fulfil your lifelong dream of witnessing the blue whale and other amazing species of whales in their natural habitat.

Big Sur, California Whale Watching Tours Experience

Humpback Whale Watching in Big Sur California

In Big Sur, humpback whales may frequently be observed from the highway turnouts. You will be able to see many “friendly” whales as a part of your Big Sur Whale Watching Tours. A whale that exhibits this "friendly" behaviour may frequently circle the boat, brush up against it, spyhop within a few feet of it, roll on its side and extend its pectoral flipper toward the ship, and frequently tilt its head with its eye open, appearing to stare up at the boat and the people within.

Gray Whale watching in Big Sur, California

Gray whales move quite near to the coast, making whale watching them highly popular. Whale watching boats or coastal bluffs and headlands provide several options for spotting whales. "Friendly whales" have been seen at San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California, Mexico, recently. Gray whales in this area occasionally come within touching distance of tiny skiffs while swimming nearby. You will witness these amazing Gray whales as a part of your Big Sur Whale Watching Tours.

Best time for whale watching in california

Winter (December, January, February)

The grey whales migrate from Alaska to Mexico in the south around this time. In your whale watching tours California, you may witness this rare species because grey whales can only be found on the west coast of the North American continent. Now is a lot better time to travel between Los Angeles and San Diego due to the weather. As the whales head back to Alaska around the end of February, you can start to observe the migration shift from south to north.

Spring (March, April, May)

As the calves born in Mexican waters travel with their mothers back to Alaska, this is a particularly wonderful period since it is the ideal time to witness a newborn whale in this region. The greatest season of the year to search for FIN WHALES is spring. Regular sightings of common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and Pacific white-sided dolphins are still possible until April with whale watching tours in California. Minke whales and humpback whales are occasionally seen as well.

Summer (June, July, August)

The greatest time of year to see a BLUE WHALE is summer. At this time of year, fish-eating whales like the humpback, fin, and minke whales can be observed dining alongside the dolphins with Big Sur Whale Watching Tours. The summer is the perfect season to look for tropical exotics like the Bryde's Whale, Sei Whale, or even rare local sightings of Pilot Whales. We could also see offshore Bottlenose Dolphin or Risso's Dolphin who are looking for squid.

Fall (September, October, November)

Fall is the best time to see the local HUMPBACK WHALES. With Big Sur Whale Watching Tours, you can also witness the bottlenose, common, and Risso's dolphins during the fall season. ORCAs, commonly referred to as killer whales, are occasionally sighted but are typically visible once or twice each autumn as they hunt for prey.


When is the best month for whale watching in Big Sur California?

From December through April, Big Sur's highway turnouts provide great views of grey whales. The California Gray Whales migrate south from late December to the beginning of February. Beginning in February, whales may be seen returning to Alaska with their young at their sides.

What kind of whales can you see in Big Sur California?

When whale watching off the coast of California with Big Sur Whale Watching Tours, some of the most frequent whales you'll encounter are orcas, blue whales, and grey whales. But these seas are also frequently visited by humpback, minke, and finback whales

Is whale watching in Big Sur, California worth visiting?

The adventure of whale-watching in Big Sur, California may be exhilarating, leaving you with unforgettable memories and unexpectedly good pictures of seabirds, dolphins, and of course, whales. It's a fun day out as you observe the shoreline ebb away and search the huge horizon for a spout.

What should I wear for whale watching in Big Sur, California?

Include the required sunscreen, a helmet or visor, a sweatshirt or sweater, and a jacket in your whale-watching backpack or tote during your Big Sur Whale Watching Tours. Put on sunglasses, a comfy shirt, long trousers or jeans, socks, and comfortable shoes.

Where can I book Big Sur, California Whale Watching Tours online?

You may enjoy your Whale Watching trip in Big Sur, California, by purchasing your tickets from us online. To provide you with a flawless experience, we offer the finest deals and fantastic packages.

What is the best way to book Big Sur, California Whale Watching Tours?

The best way to book your Big Sur, California Whale Watching Tours is by booking your tickets from us online. This will not only save you time and money but provide you with a seamless experience.


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